Sunday, May 30, 2010

The First Post and an Explanation of the Title

As the title of my first post foretells, I will explain the title of the blog. But first, let me explain it's purpose.

I use my computer for a lot of things. I buy off Amazon, look up cheats for Kedi Knight II, go "fungeon" running on Guild Wars, or invest 20+ hours of my life in a campaign on Rome: TW or Empire at War.

In essence, I use the ocmputer for a lot of things- maybe it's time I try using it for God. At least, to help me walk with him. Let me explain.

On this blog I intend to record my thoughts, questions with God, and even write to him directly. But today, like my Counterpart (Lair) I want to explain my title.

My title comes from A C.S. Lewis book called "Perelandra" (sp, maybe.) It's the second book of his space trilogy. I chose it because these books profoundly effected my life, particularly That Hideous Strength.

On the planet Perelandra, the original Fall is to be re-enacted (or not.) Ransom is there as a new character in the ancient story- the defender of the Innocence of this new Eve.

The Green LAdy (eve on Perelandra or Venus) remarks in awe when she discovers that Ransom's Earth has a clear view of the stars how terrible and fearful a thing it must be to be under the gaze of all Deep Heaven.

This part always struck me as deeply significant. Not just on an aethestic level- stars are beautiful, surely- but on a spiritual level. We live under the gaze of Deep Heaven- the weight of the cosmos on our fragile human frames.

Here's what I'm tryingn to say: that line in the book always reminds me strongly how small I am, and how small all of us together are, and how massive and majestic God is. He is the King of the Universe who's power binds the very molecules that create me togehter-what could I, a small speck eating ramen in front of a small screen on a small blue dot in the sky of foreign worlds a hundred times Earth's size- what could I be to him?

But, we see so clearly in his actions, we mean enough to him to suffer. We meant enough to die. He used us-small things- as a means to bring glory to himself. The giant reached down and rescued a tiny ant from the flames.

So I guess the title is there to remind me of my smallness. One of my cheif vices is pride. Sometimes, I have to remember how small I am and how Awesome and Great he is.

And how he reached down between the greatest height discrepency ever recorded ( :) ) and loved me.